Learning24 has designed its system and courses so that we can both provide tools for use by classroom teachers and also offer independent learning solutions. We approach course development holistically – ensuring to include audio-visual lessons, corresponding interactive activities for each lesson, assignments, and tests for each subject all hosted on a powerful Learning Management System.
Our classroom approach involves classroom teachers participating in a 5 Day training workshop prior to implementing Learning24 within their classrooms. They also participate in on-going mentorship opportunities through follow up workshops and online support. This comprehensive capacity building of teachers allows them to be able to deliver Learning24 lessons and assessments within their classrooms, as well as to access the Learner monitoring and learner management features. Working together with schools, the Learning24 solutions strengthens quality assured tools and resources available to classroom teachers as we aim to ensure that eLearning support staff are strategically located to provide necessary technical support to teaching staff. visit our official website on www.learning24.co.za.
1. Development of a comprehensive Learner management system:
Our course content and resources are hosted on a powerful learning management system (LMS) that students can access via Internet ready desktops, notebooks, and tablets.
Students are given credentials to enable them to securely access the courses for which they are registered. The Learning Management System (LMS) is available to them 24 hours a day as long online. The best thing is that our system accommodates internet bandwidth challenges: allowing instead for Learners to synch their activities and progress to a Local Area Network that uploads to the internet once a day
2. Complete digital curriculum for Maths and Sciences (Grade 8 to Grade 10)
Maponya Business Technologies has completed the development of Learning24 Maths and Sciences curriculum (Grade 8 – Grade 10).
The interactive lessons, quizzes and assessments are aligned to the curriculum learning outcomes developed by the South African Department of Basic Education.
Through this process, we have recruited an internal team of both subject matter and also eLearning content development experts.
3. User friendliness of the system
Preliminary testing with our partner school allowed Learning24 to test the user friendliness of the system. This testing process meant we were further able to refine the system as well as make adjustments to the user interaction features of the System.
4. Buy-in from Department of Basic Education
Maponya Business Technologies has consulted extensively with the Department of Basic Education throughout all our Learning24 development process to ensure that our product and solution is in line with their needs and plans to support education development in South Africa.
Our solution has been endorsed in both Gauteng and Limpopo: giving Maponya Business Technologies access to facilitate a full-scale Learning24 pilot project in 2 partner schools per province.
5. Partnership development: REPRO INDIA
Maponya Business Technologies has signed a partnership agreement with Repro India, a publically listed company, to collaboration on our Learning24 to provide a complete end to end product solution that also includes textbooks and other printed media
Through this partnership with REPRO India, Maponya Business Technologies has further access to strengthen Learning24 withc omprehensive content development facilities: Animation experts, Copywriting teams, Graphics development teams and Printing solutions